Web Design
Your Ideas, Our Designs. A Winning Combination.
Building a brand, your brand, is one of the most critical parts of our business. Whether you are selling products or services on the web, communicating ideas and concepts with investors, or helping patients track their healthcare coverage, we focus on a combination of your ideas, and our teams’ responsiveness and design strengths. Our designs don't just stop when our clients are completely satisfied however, we also design and integrate with social media, to help you interact and engage users, and keep them coming back.
Our Design Packages Include:
- A complete overview of your business, so that we understand where you are, and where you're going.
- Demonstration of multiple templates and themes, which we further tailor to your specific site’s needs.
- Integration of SEO & Web Analytics functions, to track and promote your site with a few mouse clicks.
- Custom logos, to describe your brand in a visual format.
- Optional designs specific for Smartphones & Tablets with intensive testing to confirm the right look and feel.
- Security review, to make sure your information is safe and reliably accessible.
- Help on how best to host your site, whether on our servers, or your own.
- Customer training on how to manage, update, and expand the site. We empower our clients via our dedicated training, and we are always here if you need us!
A poorly designed and implemented website can be just as much of a negative for business, as not having one at all. A large number of our clients come to us with freshly designed site by other "designers", as they are dissatisfied with the final product, and can't gain traction with advertising. We often have to recommend throwing out what was previously created, and starting from scratch, to get the professional look and features they require.
Start with a trusted group from the beginning, and save the time and expense!

Need a logo? How about a complete brand redesign? Our designers are ready and able to modernize the face of your business, or to create one from scratch.
DEC Networks can help you stand out from the competition, with an eye for what appeals to your specific marketplace.

From brochures to full client presentations and everything in between, DEC Networks knows what it takes to catch the eye of prospective clients. Simply let us know what your needs are, or let us consult with you about best practices, and we'll take it from there.
All of our sites are built to be seen. We always include free registrations with Google, & the Yahoo| Bing Network, and offer guidance on AdWords, AdSense, and other advertising/Search Engine options, to get your prodcuts & services in front of customers!
Every site we build, includes custom code, custom designs, and one of a kind graphics. However, with all of this one of a kind content, we adhere to open documentation standards, only utilizing widely accepted methods and techniques. Our sites are fast to load, and easy to manage for our customers.
With tens of thousands of new websites being added to the Internet each day, it's more important than ever to choose a design group which can supply you with beautiful, eye-catching options to demonstrate the success your business is, and what separates it from your local, and national, competitors.
The future of the Internet is here, with HTML5. No more plugins, renderers, specific designs for specific browsers, this new version of the core language of the web, brings cross compatability to all devices, and makes sure your site looks great, no matter the device.